Although every CV containers similar items of information, the attitude and style of presenting data vary from person to person. Five broad but distinct styles can be identified.
1. Historical or Chronological :
This is the most common style which presents information in chronological successions indicating all dates and periods of study, degrees obtained and work experience . It emphasis the candidate's saleable assets, talents and abilities by way of educational back ground, Job experience, membership of professional societies/organizations etc.
2. Functional :
This emphasizes qualifications and abilities in terms of job titles and responsibilities. It highlights the significant areas and analysis the most significant function and responsibilities first. Each item is followed by a brief description of duties and expertise. Dates are generally omitted in this style and if given, they are not very conspicuous.
3. Analytical :
The analytical approach is particularly useful while a change in career goals is desired or attempted. The CV presents in chronological sequence the skills or abilities possessed by the candidate. Work history and educational qualifications are broken up into significant talents and each skill is listed separately. The main idea in this approach is to emphasize the skill which is valuable in more than one field by setting it apart from less significant skill (s) rather than placing all skills together.
When a person has experience or knowledge in varied areas involving many duties and responsibilities, the CV may tend to become unduly long if listing all of them in detail is found necessary. In such cases a synoptic / analytical approach is useful. This style starts with a synoptic description of the contents which are amplified in the succeeding pages. The disadvantages of this style is that the bio-data tend to become very lengthy.
5. Imaginative / Creative
This approach is distinctly helpful in displaying the literary or artistic talents in a person and is used in situations where creativity is called for.
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