- Euthanasia should be legalized.
- The role of press advertising has diminished with the advent of TV.
- India does not need OKE but cheaper rice.
- The opportunities and challenges facing India in a unipolar world.
- India needs a benevolent dictator for the next five years.
- There should be compulsory sterilization after the first child.
- India should review its nuclear option in the light of the recent utterances of Benazir Bhutto.
- Nelson Mandela - Fighting a bigger battle.
- Film Censorship should be abolished.
- Voting age for Indians should not be lowered to 18 years.
- Students must take active interest in politics.
- In order to check AIDS sex with foreigners and NRIs should be banned.
- The government should nationalize foreign banks
- Prohibition should be enforced throughout the country
- Capital punishment should be abolished.
- Art cinema is India lacks entertainment value.
- Cricket is a waste of national resource.
- Yesterdays man was a finance man, toadies is a marketing man, tomorrow's will be an HRD man.
- Communism is irrelevant in today’s world.
- Use of drugs in sports is justified.
- India cannot afford a sporting extravaganza like Olympics.
- In order to check brain drain, IIT graduates should be made to sign a bond to serve for five years in the country.
- Religion based political parties should be banned.
- India should cut her defence expenditure.
- Reservations for SC/STs is necessary for their upliftment.
- Our education system has drove ineffective.
- India should follow a two-party system like the U.S.
- The world is a sager place today as compared to two years ago.
- India should review its politics towards Israel.
- The Indian Army should reoccupy POK.
- With the lowest industry growth rate since Independence, India’s liberalization policy has been proved ineffective.
- One man’s terrorist is another’s martyr.
- What India needs most is a presidential form of government?
- Corruption is a necessary evil for success is any sphere.
- Modern English education has alienated the Indian youth from the mainstream of the country’s life.
- Work experience must be a pre-requisite for management education.
- Modern management education is a perfect example of old wine in new bottles.
- Public sector in India is a while elephant.
- Unity in India is a myth.
- Communism is for the poor, capitalism is for the rich.
- There is life after death.
- Women’s liberation is nothing but bra-burning.
- Use of guinea pigs for medical research must be banned.
- Politics is the last refuge of the uneducated scoundrel.
- Art is a four lettered word.
- The Islamic bomb will lead to world peace.
- Advertising is a wasteful expenditure.
- Exploitation of the female anatomy should be banned in advertising.
- Love marriage is the best form of marriage.
- There must be some controls for the Indian press today.
- Doordarshan must be made autonomous.
- There should be compulsory army enlisting for every male citizen of the country.
- A wise man is he who prepares his wife for widowhood.
- Capitalism and communism are in the process of merging together to form a new politico economic order.
- Sex education should be made compulsory from high school onwards.
- Ragging is a necessary evil.
- The biggest problem-confronting mankind today is….
- Destruction of this planet earlier than expected would be due to a faulty basic premise in economic called “growth”.
- Professional sportsmen/athletics should be allowed to participate in the Olympics.
- Burgeoning growth of metros like Bombay can be stopped only be removing the slums.
- Value based political has no place in Indian politics.
- Drug peddlers should be sentenced to death.
- Doordarshan and Air should be privatized.
- Indian capital markets have come a long way.
- Yesterday’s was a joint family, today’s a nuclear family, and tomorrow’s will be a ‘no family’.
- Religion is the root cause of all evils in India.
- Indian film industry is on its death bed.
- Screening of cigarette and liquor ads should be allowed on TV.
- Income tax should be banned to avoid tax evasion.
- India should align with the U.S. to accelerate industrial growth.
- Democracy in India is nothing but civilized monarchy.
- Increasing automation is the only key to industrial growth in India.
- Only God can save India.
- Cow slaughter must be banned in India.
- Sale of gold to the public must be stopped to prevent wastage of national resources.
- Art is a four letter word.
- Lip, Lip & Away.
- When Red sees Red he turns Red.
- Women Reservation.
- Conversion: Necessary Evil.
- Visit of Clinton: Myth of reality.
- How to check Hijacking.
- Budget 99-2000 (Myth or reality).
- Future of Coalition Govts.
- Match fixing: We are responsible.
- Only cons is change.
- Which is best branch of Mgmt.
- Solution is Pakistan.
- Democracy or Democracy in India.
- Legalise Corruption.
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