1. Intellectual Attainments:
(a). The depth of knowledge of the subject of the candidate's choice as well as of other subjects.
(b). Practical knowledge - as to how a candidate applies his theoretical knowledge in practical situations
(c). General knowledge, current affairs, everyday science, controversial topics, sports social issues, newspaper headlines etc.
(d). Grape - as to how quickly a candidate understands the question as subject.
2. Power of Expression:
(a). Fluency: as to how quickly the candidate converses in the oral medium of communications.
(b). Logic in argument: as to how rational, clear-headed, analytical and systematic the candidate is in presenting his arguments.
(c). Convincing ability: as to how the candidate is able to lend conviction to his arguments.
3. Personal traits:
a). Personal disposition: Smiling, cheerful and pleasant.
(b). Liveliness demonstrated: as to how eager, alert, sprightly and ambitious the candidate is.
(c). Enthusiasm: Does the candidate display keenness and interest in his approach?
(d). Dress and turnout: Smart, clean and suited to the occasion. Neat clothes, proper haircut, clean nails and polished shoes.
(e). Poise: Graceful movements, confident approach, straight walk, eye contact.
(f). Punctuality
4. Career objectives:
(a). Clear aim - His ambition and goal in life.
(b). A systematic approach towards career planning.
(c). Analysis of his strength and weaknesses.
5. Character:
(a). Integrity and moral values.
(b). Sincerity and loyalty.
(c). Self discipline.
6. Health and physical stamina:
(a). Participation in sport and other physical endurance activities like trekking, camping etc.
7. Hobbies and Interests:
a). Optimum utilization of spare time for developing self interest in leisure activities like reading, cinema, music, philately, fine arts etc.
8. Dynamic Qualities:
(a). Self confidence
(b). Initiative and enterprise
(c). Industrial temperament
(d) Decision making abilities
(e) Resourcefulness
( f). Motivation
9. Psychological Factors:
(a). Positive thinking, confident and determined approach
(b). Optimistic and hopeful outlook
(c). Absence of anti-social or negative qualities.
10.Social Qualities:
(a). Sense of responsibility
(b) Adaptability and flexibility.
(c). Preference to group life and activity.
(d). Ability to influence others and get things done
Every candidate will have a certain degree of proficiency in each of the areas mentioned above. A careful introspection by the candidate will reveal his strengths and weaknesses with respect to the various criteria. By rigorous preparation, training and practice the candidate can improve himself in spheres in which he lacks ability.
Format for Assessment
Less than 10 points | Between 11 & 20 | Above 20 Above average |
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